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All our volunteers give their time freely and we rely on them to continue and expand the work we do.

Our group's activities include:

  • Promoting wildlife and educating people about badgers and their habitat to help encourage tolerance and appreciation of badgers throughout the community.
  • Surveying and monitoring of badger setts and habitats.
  • Rescuing injured badgers to take them for veterinary treatment before releasing them back to the wild, if possible.
  • Checking badgers found in the road and recording badger RTA’s (Road Traffic Accidents).
  • Rescuing orphaned badger cubs and assisting with their hand-rearing.
  • Building artificial setts for the eventual release of orphaned badger cubs back into the wild - See Artificial Sett Building.
  • Providing the public with advice and information about badgers which have been visiting their gardens.
  • Monitoring and commenting on planning applications that may affect badgers and working with planning departments when a badger habitat is threatened by building developments.
  • Working with the Police to investigate criminal activities relating to badgers such as illegal killing, cruelty, destruction of setts and habitat, and illegal hunting, baiting, etc.
  • Attending various wildlife events and seminars around Essex to promote our group and its activities and also raise funds.
  • Giving talks to groups about badgers and the work we do.
  • Providing education and advocacy to promote the welfare of badgers in our area and beyond.

We work closely with the Badger Trust and other local badger groups. We also have close ties with South Essex Wildlife Hospital, Essex Wildlife Trust and the RSPCA. Additionally we work alongside other local wildlife groups as well as local councils and many other related organisations to promote badgers and biodiversity.

If you would like to learn more about badgers, help out with some of our activities, or even find out where you can go to watch badgers, we always welcome new members. You can join by downloading and completing our membership form by clicking here.

Contact Us:

  • Tel: 07341 944567
           07341 944568

  • eMail:

Patron: Mike Dilger
(Natural History Presenter)

The Essex Badger Protection Group
is affiliated to The Badger Trust

Registered charity No. 1111440

Website by Souris Systems