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Outside of any government-sanctioned cull activity, traffic is the number one threat to badgers in the UK.

In a 1995 study, it was estimated that as many as 50,000 badgers were killed on the roads each year. This equates to around one fifth of the adult population.

Badgers consistently top the list of most numerous victims of road traffic accidents amongst mammal species, and in 2019 came second only to pheasants of all UK species.

We ask anyone who sees a badger in the road to report it to our group.

If there is any chance that the badger may be alive, please call one of our hotline numbers; 07341 944567 or 07341 944568.

We will ask one of our volunteers to attend the scene and collect the badger and take it for veterinary care.

It is especially important to advise us of any badger casualties from the period January through to May as this is when badgers have vulnerable cubs.  At this time of year we always check the badger to determine if it is a lactating female as this will mean it has cubs.  In such a circumstance we would use our extensive records to try and find the sett and rescue the orphaned cubs.

Outside of ‘cub-season’ and where the badger is definitely dead, the incident can be reported via our email:

However, if there is any chance the badger could be alive we ask the public to call our helpline numbers

​We record the information pertaining to all badger road traffic accidents (RTA’S) on a central system.  This helps us to establish badger routes and likely sett locations and aids us when petitioning councils to ensure appropriate mitigation is put in place in any highway or building development scheme.

We share this information with the Badger Trust which is working with Cardiff University on an ongoing project to monitor roadkill and the impact on wildlife across the UK.

For more information about Badgers and Roads please click the link below to vist the Badger Trust website and see a short video by our patron Mike Dilger.

Give Badgers a Brake - prevent badger roadkill on the roads (


Contact Us:

  • Tel: 07341 944567
           07341 944568

  • eMail:

Patron: Mike Dilger
(Natural History Presenter)

The Essex Badger Protection Group
is affiliated to The Badger Trust

Registered charity No. 1111440

Website by Souris Systems