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Injured Badgers

What do I do if I come across a trapped or injured badger?

  • If the badger is caught in a snare or trap - do not cut it free! Wait for expert help.
  • Call the police on 101 or, if you live in Essex, the Essex Badger Protection Group immediately on 07341 944567 or 07341 944568 who can arrange for specialist handling and care for injured badgers.
  • If the badger is alive and injured, request that the police bring a vet along to assess its injuries.
  • Never try and touch the badger. A frightened badger can bite, and they have extremely strong teeth and very sharp claws that could cause you serious injuries.
  • If you suspect any suspicious activity has taken place, record details of the scene (e.g. If there is a dead badger and/or the level of disturbance). If you have a camera, briefly take a few photos (in particular note footprints), but remember to do this from a distance so as not to interfere with evidence.
  • Any unusual or suspicious activity should be reported to the police – please make sure you are given a crime number!
  • For people who live in Essex another useful number is South Essex Wildlife Hospital 01375 893893.


What do I do if I come across a disturbed badger sett?

Badgers, their setts (and access to setts) are protected at all times, even when the setts are apparently unoccupied. Anyone disturbing badgers or a sett may be committing a criminal offence.

Do not approach the scene of the crime, draw attention to yourself,
or put yourself in danger - keep a safe distance!


What information do I record if I witness a badger related crime?

  • Call the police immediately once you are in a safe place – please make sure you are given a crime number!
  • Number of people involved and brief description (e.g. height, build, hair colour, ethnicity, gender, clothing and distinctive features)
  • Details of tools used (e.g. spades, nets or sacks)
  • Details of dogs (e.g. numbers, breed, colour and distinctive injuries)
  • Details of the activity taking place (e.g. digging, blocking holes, lamping, flushing or animal fighting)
  • Details of vehicles (e.g. Registration number, make and model)
  • Location (include the grid reference if possible)
  • Be aware you are entering a potential crime scene. Do not disturb evidence!
  • If you have a camera, briefly take a few photos (in particular note footprints) but remember to do this from a distance so as not to interfere with evidence.

Contact Us:

  • Tel: 07341 944567
           07341 944568

  • eMail:

Patron: Mike Dilger
(Natural History Presenter)

The Essex Badger Protection Group
is affiliated to The Badger Trust

Registered charity No. 1111440

Website by Souris Systems