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Help Us Give Badgers a Brake

The Badger Trust launched its new “Give Badgers a Brake” campaign during National Badger Week to raise awareness of the dangers that badgers face on our roads”.

Every year an alarming 50,000 badgers are killed on roads in the UK. As our road network becomes bigger and busier, the risk to badgers and other wildlife becomes greater. This campaign not only raises awareness of this problem but also provides advice on what can be done to help make our roads safer for all wildlife.

Together with the Badger Trust, our Groups Patron, Mike Dilger, has helped produce a video which highlights the dangers badgers face on our roads and show what can be done to try and protect them from this increasing danger.

To find out more, visit the Badger Trust Website or their Facebook and Twitter pages #GiveUsABrake

Contact Us:

  • Tel: 07341 944567
           07341 944568

  • eMail:

Patron: Mike Dilger
(Natural History Presenter)

The Essex Badger Protection Group
is affiliated to The Badger Trust

Registered charity No. 1111440

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